If you laugh at this, your soul might suffer...

The following is a 100% true story:

My Dad works with this lady in Overland Park that takes care of her 20-something, mentally handicapped nephew.  While at work last week she got a call from him that went something like this:

Nephew: Aunt ___ you have to come home, right now!
Aunt: Why? What happened?
Nephew: I caught a troll!
Aunt: What? What are you talking about?
Nephew: I caught a TROLL!

Naturally, the Aunt just assumed that he was playing around or was somewhat confused so she said she'd just see it when she got home after work.  However, the nephew was so insistent that she come home that she decided she better go see what all the fuss was about.  She told her Supervisor something had come up at home and left work early that day.

When she arrived home, there were a few police cars there and she started to get worried.  She spoke to one in the yard and, after confirming who she was to the 20-year old man, the police told her what happened.

Brace yourself...

Apparently, a Census worker was in her neighborhood that day and stopped by her home.  That man just happened to be a little person; a midget.  Her nephew answered the door and was immediately confused.  He thought he was looking at "a troll."  He grabbed the poor guy and locked him in a closet until the police arrived.

People, for the love of all that is holy, fill out your Census.

PS - The police were able to convince the man not to press charges by reminding him that, if he did, he'd be on the news as "the troll who's suing a mentally handicapped man." 

PPS - Just so you know...my soul is toast.


Rebecca said...

Saw your wall comment to Mario and thought I needed to peek in. I'm laughing uncontrollably and planning to share with my coworker who is also a little person.

K J said...

I'm not ashamed to say that I laughed heartily at this. I've laughed at way worse stuff. Ever hear of Stephen Lynch? ;-)

Kris said...

LOL apparently I'm in trouble too...