Hello my long-lost Blogger friends! I am back in black! And white and red. I figured with the changing of a name comes the changing of a life and, therefore, a blog. I hope you like it.
I leave you with no promises of mutlitple updates per week but, when we have something going on, I'll try and let you know. I plan on posting wedding pics as soon as we have them.
In the meantime, if anyone knows a good school in need of a basketball coach, let us know! Coach Pratt will rock your face right the heck off. (Just because I'm biased doesn't mean it ain't true).
Love, peace and chicken grease.
~Mandy used-to-be-Smith-now-PRATT~
PS - KJ, if you read this: Help me get that stupid search box off my page! (I only have my diploma in HTML.)
9 years ago
Woohoo, welcome back
Yay! Looking forward to more posts from you and CONGRATS on the marriage! :)
Yeah! I love new shoes!!!
LOL, well I know a quick way to "get rid of it" in the sense that YOU (or anyone else who follows these instructions) won't see it.
1. Download and install Firefox (you don't already use Firefox? LOL, n00b)
2. Install the Adblock Plus add-on
3. Right-click the search box/banner and choose "Adblock Frame"
4. Click the circle next to http://www.blogger.com/navbar.g?*
5. Click Add Filter
And there it is! No more annoying search box!
That'll be $50.00 :-)
But seriously though, this is the real way to remove it:
Wait...you said the search BOX, not the bar. Delete these lines from the HTML source:
[form action='http://luz785.blogspot.com/search' id='searchform' method='get' name='searchform' style='padding:0px 0px 0px 250px; margin:0px 0px 0px 0px']
[input id='s' name='q' onclick='this.value=\'\';' type='text' value=''/]
[input class='input' src='http://i532.photobucket.com/albums/ee327/florascent-template/search.gif' type='image' value='Submit'/]
(I changed all of the < > to [ ] because you can't post certain html tags in a comment)
1. No firefox. Can't download it at work. Don't want to at home. (Unless you HIGHLY recommend it.)
2. It's not the nav bar I want to get rid of. It's that stupid search box right under my title.
3. I can find that when I 'view source' but it's not in the html for my layout template (the only one I can edit).
What I think: I think it came with my last layout and, when I replaced it with this one, it somehow managed to attach itself. Is that even possible? Should I email you the layout html so you can find it and tell me that I'm html retarded?
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