Hoo-wee! What an enjoyable weekend Mandy had! Wanna hear about it? Too bad!
Ah, Valentines Day. I don't care what anyone says, I still love that holiday. In a relationship or not, V-day (like everyday) is what you make it. My evening included the Cheesecake Factory with the 'rents, some friends and my beautiful Grandmother who was visiting for a few weeks while Jimmy was in China. Afterwards, because it's illegal to see sappy movies on V-day if you're single, I went to see Jumper (*vomitting noises*) with some very good friends. Should've tried a sappy one but we had a good time.
Yeah...not ready to post that information yet. But know I had a good day. =)
Hurray for Saturday! My current favorite brother came up to visit me for the day and we went to see Step Up 2 (much better movie! Ye-ah!). Happened to catch Chelsea trying to see the movie by herself so we all enjoyed it together. Afterwards, I had a babysitting gig I got roped into for the evening at the church. There were 15 kids but I actually think I was there more to babysit the youth minister and 2 high school boys that were helping out too.
After the babysitting, the 4 of us hung out for awhile trying to decide on something to do so as not to waste a perfectly good Saturday evening. When it became appparent we weren't going to agree on a course of action, the boys took it upon themselves to create their own entertainment: they decided to create a faux-date for myself and the youth minister in the youth room. They turned down the lights, made us dance a little (I know! In the church! *Gasp!*) and put on Disney music in an attempt to try and set the mood. The highlight of the evening was when one of them got the little disco ball down that hangs from the ceiling, hid behind the couch, held it above our heads and said, “Pretend like I’m not here.” It was hilarious. Finally at one point, Zach leaned over and hid the proof just well enough to convince them that we kissed. It was hilarious. They both just sat there with this look of sheer shock on their faces for a good 5 minutes.
More snow = Booo!
Church and Lifegroup = Soooo good!
That's right, my weekend included Monday! Hurray for days of Presidents! I spent my day off trying to catch up on sleep (ha!), doing laundry and cleaning the house. Felt really good. Then I went into Baldwin for the Lifegroup that meets at my 'rents place 'cause I was majorly craving a Jason hug. I got a few. :) I love my brothers!!
That's right, my weekend included Monday! Hurray for days of Presidents! I spent my day off trying to catch up on sleep (ha!), doing laundry and cleaning the house. Felt really good. Then I went into Baldwin for the Lifegroup that meets at my 'rents place 'cause I was majorly craving a Jason hug. I got a few. :) I love my brothers!!
And now it's Tuesday and I'm back to work. I started the morning with 19 emails in my Inbox as proof that my boss decided not to use his weekend for leisure. Needless to say, I had them all straightened out by lunch. I'm just sayin...
Alright, what else? How about some laughs? I like to call this part of my blog:
"The Short Bus"
you lie!!!!! I loved Atonement!!!! And I'm gonna see it illegally on the net too, lol.
And, nice pics, lol. I didn't know that you knew Whitney Sheets! I took that pic of her, lol.
Is Marshall, Jason, and the other guy doing a re-enactment of The Little Mermaid?
Why thank you mi amiga! :)
So, I keep on forgetting to comment about your post. I also think V-day is great! I treated myself to a movie, but it was the greatness that is Atonement (although, I didn't see it until later) and my friends came over to keep me company while I was "couch-sitting" at the Living center.
Plus...we can take advantage of the yummy chocolates for the day after V-day sale!
Ok, hope you have a great day!
...and, I think you need a picture of me for your background! :)
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